Short pieces
Loves Left In Lome (+1 "0")
Pictures From Prison (+1 "0")
The Network (+2 "0")
Smoke (+1 "0")
More Of Me (+1 "0")
Losing My Religion (+2 "0")
Long Red Line (+1 "1")
Imperfect World (+1 "0")
Guide To Lagos (+1 "4")
Demise (+1 "1")
We exist purely as vehicles for our genes; our consciousness, our imaginations, our creations: all these are simply manifestations of our genetically-implanted instincts for survival. We believe we exist because it makes us better replicators. There is no other reason for existence, no god, no destiny, no karma. Our lives are neither random nor controlled: choice is an illusion, but so is fate. We simply operate, like the very intelligent automatons we are. Our minds are exquisitely adapted to solving large and complex problems, the bulk of which come from our intraspecies competition with each other. Our societies are hives, built through the collaboration of thousands and millions of minds. As a species we are genetically so similar, due to near-extinction around 50,000 years ago, that we are practically clones. All our notions of "ethnicity" and "color" are as meaningful as separating people by hair patterns or toe size. Our species is incredibly successful mainly because we have managed to turn our technological prowess onto ourselves, creating a feedback loop that has not stopped since we invented fire and freed our jaws to shrink and make space for a larger brain. Finally, although we all feel unique, we are in fact designed as team players, male and female, young and old adopting clear and comfortable roles that are so inate they are universal in all human cultures. Men solve technical problems, women organize social networks. Young men learn and work, young women dance and like to look pretty. Old women gossip and old men accumulate power.
— Pieter Hintjens, 1 January 2004
Copyright (c) Pieter Hintjens. Licensed under Creative Commons attribution non-commercial share-alike 3.0 License.